CBCNWS 芝城西北郊华人浸信会

 Fellowship 团契


Young Adults Fellowship

This fellowship is for those between the ages of 20 - 45. Meeting once a month to grow together in fellowship, word, prayer and witnessing. As young adults seek to find their role in life and in the church, the Young Adults Fellowship provides opportunities to aid in that process. Please contact us for details.

青年团契主要为年龄20至45 岁的人设立的团契。我们每月聚会一次。大家彼此在团契、话语、祈祷和见证方面共同成长。青年团契提供了机会以帮助年轻人寻求在生活和教会中找到自己的角色。 详情请联系我们。

Contact 聯絡: Willy Tan 陳惠禮弟兄

English Fellowship

English Fellowship is a fellowship for all ages and cultural background. Sometimes we organize short trip for visiting nearby attractions. We will have potluck dinner before every meeting. Come and join us to share a laughter, fellowship, and testimonies of following our lord Jesus Christ. Please contact us for details.

英語团契是一个不限制年龄和文化背景的团契。 我们每次聚会之前都一起享用大家带来的美味佳肴, 然后有分享和团契时刻。 我们有时候会组织短途旅行到附近参观景点。 欢迎您加入我们一起团契和分享主耶稣基督的见证。详情请联系我们。

Contact 聯絡: Shawn Tan 陈哲雄弟兄 / Minister Rebecca Huang 黄旅儿传道

Daniel Fellowship (Cantonese)

We are welcome all ages of Cantonese speaking brother and sister to join us for Daniel Fellowship. We will have dinner before every meeting and sharing afterward. We meet every first and third Tuesday of the month. Please contact us for details.

但以理团契是以粤语为主的团契。 我们欢迎各年龄段的兄弟姐妹来参加集会。 我们每次聚会之前都一起共进晚餐并在之后有分享的时刻。 集会是在每个月的第一和第三个星期二。但以理团契暂时会在线进行。详情请联系我们。

Contact 聯絡: Luke Leung 梁志輝弟兄

Youth Group (English)
青少年团契 (英)

Grow your faith with other grade 7-12 students. Encourage and fellowship with each other in a safe fun environment. Please contact us for details.

年团契主要为7至12年级的学生设立的团契。 让他们有一个平台一起培养信仰。 在安全又有趣的环境中互相鼓励和团契。 详情请联系我们。

Contact 聯絡: Minister Rebecca Huang 黄旅儿传道

Women Bible study (cantonese)
婦女查經班 (粵)

Men bible study (Cantonese)
弟兄查經班 (粵)

Cantonese speaking brother and sister of all ages come together to study the word of God, share delicious refreshments and laughter. Men and Women bible study group will have its own study topic and discussion. You will feel full spiritually, mentally, and physically after the meeting. Women and Men Bible Study Group will meet every other Saturday. Please contact us for details.

婦女和弟兄查經班以粤语为主。 欢迎各个年龄段的弟兄姐妹参加。 大家聚在一起研究上帝的话语,分享美味的点心和欢笑。 弟兄和姐妹圣经学习小组会个自学习和讨论。 查經班让你在灵性上,精神上和身体上都充充实实。 婦女和弟兄查經班将每隔一个星期六集会。详情请联系我们。

Contact 聯絡: Minister Rebecca Huang 黄旅儿传道 / Julie Mui 梅鄭菊艷姐妹 / Shawn Tan 陈哲雄弟兄

Women Mandarin Fellowship


Meet once a month.

Contact 聯絡: Anna Ding Chao 丁超姐妹

Men Mandarin Bible Study


Meet every Saturday afternoon

Contact 聯絡: Pastor Tam 谭牧师

English Bible Reading Group


Meet every Friday at 7:30pm on Zoom. Read 2 chapters of bible daily (14 chapters a week) and write down questions about the reading then discuss in the weekly meeting.

Contact 聯絡: Linda Tam 谭师母 / Pastor Tam 谭牧师

Cantonese Bible Reading Group


Meet every Monday at 7:30pm on Zoom. Read 2 chapters of bible daily (14 chapters a week) and write down questions about the reading then discuss in the weekly meeting.

Contact 聯絡: Pastor Tam 谭牧师